[Hot issue] D5 files do not open after loading until 99%

D5 Render Version: Latest Version 2.7
Graphics Card: Nvidia Gforce RTX 4070 TX
Driver Version: 552.22
Issue Description:
I cannot open the models I created using the latest version (2.7) of D5. The files load until 99% as shown in the attached screenshot, but does not open. However, I am able to open the models I created using the older versions without any issue.

I am looking for a solution for this as I am stacked with some urgent work.

Thanks in advance.

Screenshots/Videos Description:

Steps to Reproduce (optional):

Hello @manoj,

sorry for the situation. Did it occur in all scene files or just specific scene files? Did you use D5 Scatter tool in this archive?

Please use the support tool to collect a log file and send it to us (support@d5techs.com) You can refer to this post of how to collect logs: D5 Support Tool Please attach a link to this post in the email, so I can quickly find you.

Hi @Leah_Li,

Thanks for the reply. I was not able to open the model file as it kept loading at 99%. Yes. I used the D5 Scatter Tool in this model and another model which has the same issue.

After leaving the model to load overnight, it finally did open. However, the scenes are incomplete. I have attached screenshots for your reference.


Hi @manoj

thank you so much for your clarification. This bug should be caused by the scattering surface. Can you send this scene file (The entire folder where the .drs file is located) to support@d5techs.com? Please attach a link to this post in the email, so I can quickly find you. It will be helpful for us to optimize. Thanks in advance. :saluting_face:

:loudspeaker: Update:

It is an issue caused by using the scatter, leading to inadequate hardware memory.

Using the scatter tool on too large areas can lead to excessive resource consumption, which can make the archive unable to be opened or D5 crash. Warning hints will probably be added in later releases. For now, it is recommended to be cautious about using the Scatter Tool and try not to scatter on the model, but on the material. Thanks for your understanding. :raised_hands:

:email: Current Solution:

If you did use D5 Scatter (pcg) in the scene file and it fails to be opened any more, which always stuck at 99%, please send that certain scene file (The entire folder where the .drs file is located) plus a log file to us (support@d5techs.com). You can refer to this post on how to collect logs: D5 Support Tool Please attach a link to this post in the email.

We will try to remove the PCG contents from your project file to make it open again.

1 Like

I have the same issue using the vine ,
just 5 vines,
then hour to open the scene, stuck around 95 % or 90 %

5 vines that it I had to redo the scene, very simple one.
have 32 giga bit of Ram
3090 Ti, + 2080 Ti

If I just remove the grass scatter, no issue with the vine ?? does it solve the troubles,


any fix in the future update ?

removing the grasse don’t seem to fix the problem, the vine take age to open,

I will try on other scene,

Hi! Thanks for reporting this issue. Will removing the vines fix the problem? I suggest you send us your scene to check. You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (support@d5techs.com, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

actually the scene open but yes It take way longer (15 minutes) (2 minutes without ) without the grass and without the vine ,
maybe find a way to optimise, during next update, to cache the vine or I don’t know

But I got other scene with big scatter , they open (take long but open ) let’s say 5 minutes
seem normal ( got big computer ). so not a big problem. anyway. (for me )

Thanks for your advice. We will improve this in the future. :heart: