Version 2.8 consistently loses information about scattered materials

I’ve been experiencing a frustrating issue with D5 Render in version 2.8, where the software keeps losing information about scattered materials. This means I frequently have to redo the material in the selected area from scratch, which is really annoying and time-consuming.

The error message that appears is, “Cannot be parameterized now. Please edit scattering surface to activate it.” Unfortunately, once this message appears, the scattered area can no longer be altered, rendering all previous efforts useless. This recurring problem disrupts my workflow and adds unnecessary steps to the rendering process.

I’ll include a screenshot to highlight the issue for better understanding. If anyone has encountered this issue and found a workaround or solution, I would greatly appreciate your insights.

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I am also, randomly, now having issues with 2.8 and scatter.

I had the same issue as what your describing as well as the scatter itself not updating once a new surface was added with the same material.

Today I open the same file and all the scatter settings are gone. The scatters themselves are still there but the settings on the right pane don’t exist anymore. The settings show up in other files but not in the one that’s lost them. Merging the file dosen’t seem to bring the settings back either!

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Yes, that’s very unfortunate, especially for professionals relying on stable software. D5 has usually been reliable up until version 2.6 for me. I believe the D5 team should quickly address and resolve these issues, as scattering is a fundamental functionality of a rendering engine and should just work. If a release is unstable, it’s better not to sacrifice stability and performance for the sake of a new version!

Hello! Sorry for this issue. Could you please send us your log and scene file. We will check this issue. This post shows how to collect logs. D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM
You can share a link here or send your log to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

Sorry for this issue. Is this problem currently only happening in this scenario? Has it happened in other scenarios? Have you manually modified files within your archive?
You can send us your log and scene file for check. This post shows how to collect logs. D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM
You can share a link here or send your log to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

unfortunately i cant send this file. I will be making a test file to make sure the issue is actually happening consistently and will send that over.


Really thanks for your file, we will check it. :heart:

I’ve sent you the link to my file where the issue is happening. I hope you can resolve it as soon as possible. The issue seems to occur especially when using predefined models from the Studio. When using models such as pebbles, it doesn’t happen—instead, the “regenerate” notification pops up more often, but no information is lost. I worked on a large-scale project before and it worked fine. I didn’t have grass in that project, so I’m not sure if the grass is the problem. In this project, I’m using the lawn presets from the Studio, and the issue is occurring all the time, which is really annoying.

Thanks for your support!

Really thanks for sending your file to us. This will help us fixing this issue. :handshake:
BTW, if convenient, you can private message me your email so I can find your email faster. :heart_hands:

Hi, thanks for your reply. I received an email from support saying they found it to be a bug and will fix it. I hope it will be done soon, as it is impossible to complete the project because the lawn keeps disappearing. Please update me on the bug fix. It would be great if the support team could provide a patch for this bug as soon as possible. Thank you!

Yeah, we checked your file and found this issue is a bug. We will try our best to fix it. :handshake:

Hi, thanks for the update. If I understand correctly, this issue will be resolved in version 2.9, right? Could you let us know when the 2.9 version is expected to be released? I believe this is a significant issue and should be addressed as soon as possible. Thanks.

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The exact release date of 2.9 is currently undetermined. It is still in the development stage. But I’m sure this issue will be fixed as soon as possible in a future update.

Just made a post. Using Scatter in 2.8 seems very buggy. Having the issue where the edit panel disappears after reloading a design model or in some cases the whole project crashes.

oh wow, the dev team is going to wait for the next release to fix an a main feature in the current version??

That was my reaction as well! It’s surprising and concerning to hear that the dev team plans to delay fixing a critical feature until the next release. When a core functionality is compromised, it directly impacts the users’ ability to effectively use the product, potentially leading to significant frustration and loss of trust. Prioritizing the fix for such issues should be an immediate concern, not something deferred to a later release. Addressing critical bugs swiftly is crucial for maintaining product reliability and user confidence. It’s hard to understand the reasoning behind this decision!

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Hello @jtubb and @artedesigner

sorry for the issue. Our team takes this very seriously and cares about every user’s experience. This bug should have been fixed in the next release but needs to be pushed online with the 2.9 version.

If you are interested, I invite you to join us for the beta testing once it starts, and you can also confirm if this bug has been fixed then. If you like, feel free to contact me.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

I don’t mean to be direct, but does D5 understand that this software is used by professionals, not hobbyists or students? A critical feature with a known bug scheduled to be fixed in the next major release, with no known date, is not the sort of PR D5 needs. The solution shouldn’t be to try a beta version when the current 2.8 version is acting like a beta. This type of bug creates a slew of bottlenecks and frustration, costing time and money. This bug should be addressed immediately and released as a hotfix. It should be the top priority of the Dev team; otherwise, you risk the confidence of your current user base.


Well said jtubb. The development team needs to prioritize addressing core issues and ensuring the stability of the program before focusing on adding new features. For professionals, a reliable and bug-free platform is far more valuable than flashy updates that don’t contribute to the core functionality. Stability is what maintains trust and productivity, and that should be the focus in my opinion.

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