Problema con el material hierba version 2.7 (Problem with grass material version 2.7)

D5 Render Version: 2.7
Graphics Card: Radeon RX 7800 xt
Driver Version: 31.0.24031.5001
Issue Description: Problema con el material hierba version 2.7 (Problem with grass material version 2.7)

El amterial hierba sale fuera de la geometrias que lo contienen
Esto me paso en un archivo que ya tenis echo con la version 2.6.1

Probre de reinstalar el programa por completo borrando todo configuracion y contenido y el error persiste

Probe de cambiar el material por otro y luego poner el material hierba y el error continua

Mando imagenes del material sin que sea hierba y luego al asignarle el material hierba

(The grass material comes out of the geometries that contain it
This happened to me in a file that you already have made with version 2.6.1

Try reinstalling the program completely, deleting all settings and content, and you still see the error.

I tried changing the material for another and then putting the grass material and the error continues

I send images of the material without it being grass and then when assigning the material grass)

Sin material hierba

Con material hierba


please check the value of preview cull distance in ‘‘preference-rendering’’ at first.

Second, please ensure the surfaces of grass in your modelling software are positive. Reversed model surfaces can lead to incorrect terrain grass effects.

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Leah_Li gracias por responder tan rápido

Los modelos con los que trabajo están todos echos en Revit.

Uso los suelos de Revit para crear esos sectores con hierba

Probé ajustando “Vista previa Distancia de exclusión” pensando que solo era un problema en la vista previa, pero también salen mal las imágenes finales.

Voy a probar con otros archivos de Revit y les comento como salen.

Leah_Li thank you for responding so quickly.

The models I work with are all made in Revit.

I use Revit floors to create those sectors with grass

I tried adjusting “Preview Exclusion Distance” thinking it was just a problem in the preview, but the final images also come out wrong.

I’m going to try other Revit files and let you know what happens.

Hi, you’re welcome. Have you checked the surfaces of this area are positive in your modelling software?

Revit generates solids in which there is no method to see the direction of the faces. It doesn’t work like Sketchup, which has faces that can be facing the opposite direction to what you’re looking for.
Floors are three-dimensional surfaces with thickness.

Got it. Is your model far from the origin in D5?

Hi Leah_Li.
I’ll send you the image of the origin of the model.

The whole project has many models, not just that one.

Hello! What’s going on now or with other scene files? Please also avoid any overlap of models/surfaces. :saluting_face:

Hi Leah_Li.

In inserted models there are no overlapping surfaces.
I did tests with other files that contain several models and the same problem is reproduced.
After I tried using the new dispersion tool and in that case in both files the grass is in its correct position.
Also try placing the herb in separate files.
In that case the grass also behaves correctly and is placed well on the surfaces.
The problem seems to be in files that contain multiple models together.
For now I am using the scatter tool to solve the problem.

If you have any other questions, please contact us.

Hola Leah_Li.

En los modelos insertados no hay superficies solapadas.
Hice preubas con otros archivos que contienen varios modelos y se reproduce el mismo problema.
Despues probe de usar la nueva herramienta de dispercion y en ese caso en ambos archivos la hierba queda en su posicion correcta.
Probe tambien de colocar la hierba en los archivos por separado.
En ese caso la hierba tambien se comporta correctamente y se coloca bien sobre las superficies.
El problema parece estar en archivos que contienen varios modelos juntos.
Por ahora estoy utilizando la herramienta de dispercion para solucionar el problema.

Cualquier otra consulta quedamos en contaco.

Hello @germanvallverdu

thanks for your updates. Can you send the D5 scene file & modelling file to for testing in my environment? Please attach a link to this post in the email, so I can quickly find you. Thanks!


Command download link of the project in D5 Render
The file is very large so I made the link from my Google Drive
I hope they can download it
I am currently using version of D5
Common that version also gives me errors in the grass material
As I explained to Leah_Li, for now the solution I found was to use the dispersion material

Thanks for answering

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I tested your model on my end and it seems to work fine. I am using Can you show me what your current preview looks like? Btw, what’s your current graphics card driver version?


I tried again but it still goes wrong.
This is my system. The version of D5 is

Problema con el material hierba 10 Repuesta de sistema en uso

As seen in the preview, the grass comes out of the surfaces


This issue could be related to AMD graphics cards and the driver version. It’s still normal in my environment. Can you try to reinstall (update) your graphics card driver and see the results?
AMD Radeon™ RX 7800 XT Drivers
If the issue persists, please let me know.

Reinstall the video card drivers.
I installed them with the factory settings and deleting the previous ones.
Unfortunately it made everything worse, now the file does not open and the program closes by itself.
Luckily the work on that file was delivered. But there is the possibility of a revision of that work and the need to reuse the file.
Perhaps the only option is to go back to version 2.7, which at least allowed me to open the file.
There is some possibility of integrating into the program an option to open a file in a kind of safe mode.
Or an option that reviews the files looking for errors that cause instability or the closure of the program.

Hello again. Only working with D5 and closing all other programs was I able to open the file with version 2.7.1


sorry for the issue and thanks for your updates. :pray:

  • Does the grass material in the scene’s preview still display like this after updating the graphics card driver? Is the output result normal? :thinking:
  • Does D5 crash when you open all scene files now? Or only when opening this certain file does D5 crash? Please also monitor the data of your Dedicated GPU memory when running this file.
  • Since we can’t reproduce the issue on our end, please use the support tool to collect a log file and send it to us ( You can refer to this post of how to collect logs: D5 Support Tool


The grass also looks bad in the final image.

How is the computer configuration at the time of having the file in use.

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hello again.
Look at this screenshot.
The data it takes is real, but it tells me that the video card driver and the Windows version are old.
I understand that it is the opposite. Both are more recent.

Hello @germanvallverdu,

Thanks for all the clarifications. I have reported them to the team for further checking this issue. I will keep you updated if there’s any progress.