D5 Render Version: Latest
Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce Rtx 3060
Driver Version: 546.12
Issue Description: I create a landscape with Scatter tool, it’s showing on preview but it’s not showing in render, It’s only showing the nearest area. How can i fix it please anyone guide me.
Screenshots/Videos Description:
Steps to Reproduce (optional):
I contacted you on FB yesterday. I noticed the scatter not showing in the glass in the preview in your screen recording. Please also show me the value of your cull distance in preference.

I set the Preview Cull 1000 and Output Cull 5000 but It’s still same. also I tried more high value than this still it’s not working for me.
Same as the solution in this post: At the moment this is actually within the expectation that grass or such is fixed 50 meters in the reflection, but it is now considered open to users in subsequent phases. This issue is recognized as a known issue for the current version.
[D5 Scatter not Showing in render - #17 by Leah_Li]