when I try to open the d5 project, I get an out of memory error of 26%.after the error screen arrives, the project continues to load smoothly, but it does not open because it gives an error. the last time I was placing clumps of trees, and it collapsed. i am a student and I am very close to the deadline for my final project. I need help.
Hi there,
I apologize for the incovenience this issue has caused. I have made a separate forum thread that focuses on this issue, you may want to check it out and try out the probable solutions. Hope it helps, thank you.

i deleted the f2 folder as written. i still can’t open it. i’m adding the features of my computer and the gpu value when I’m trying to open the file. is there any other way to open
Hi there,
- Did you save the file normally on the same device?
- You mentioned experiencing crashes last time when importing ‘clumps of trees’, which could be due to insufficient Memory that the single model file is too large in size. Could you try splitting the model before importing again?
- For your urgency, you may also try to access the “Historical Version” of your file where the tree asset was not placed.
Additionally, Does this issue only occur in this specific file? Or is it evident in other files as well? Can you please send us this specific D5 File and your Log file so we can further assess the problem you are experiencing?
You may send it to support@d5techs.com and have it title “Clov-Forum D5 Closed When Placing a Tree”
As for the log files, if you are unfamiliar with how to generate them please follow this link:
How to use Support Tool? | User Manual
when I tried, I found that my old files were also stuck at 26% and gave the same error. the error screen continues to load as soon as it arrives, but d5 also turns off when I turn off the error screen. I sent you an e-mail with my file.
Hi there,
I have received your scene and log files. Just to confirm, the files that you were pertaining to were they made with the same device that you are currently using now? Or was it perhaps made from another device that has a relatively higher specification than yours? Let me know, thank you.