Blender rendering with D5 | D5 Sync for Blender

Supported versions

Blender 2.93LTS/3.0/3.1/3.2/3.3LTS/3.4/3.5/3.6LTS/4.0/4.1/4.2

Download and installation

Click to download


  1. After downloading the zip file through the link, please unzip it and you will get the installation package: D5_Converter_Blender_test_0.5.5.2.exe.

  2. Close Blender. Double-click on the .exe to start installation.

  3. After installation, turn on Blender and go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons. Type to search for D5 Exporter. If the Exporter version is correct, then check the box to enable the add-on.

  4. Turn on the panel of D5 on the side bar:


  • By default, D5 Converter uses the same language as Blender.

  • If the D5 Render Path field is blank, starting sync will open the D5 Render launched last time automatically.


Model/Material sync


  • Click on “Sync” to launch D5 Render and send the Blender model with materials to D5. Real-time rendering starts.
  • If the model file has some changes, click on Sync again to reconnect to D5 Render and sync the changes.
  • Supported materials: Principled BSDF、Glass BSDF、Emission、Diffuse BSDF.

Incremental synchronization


  • After the current model has been edited in Blender, quickly sync the new model and materials to D5 Render by the Sync button, while keeping the materials and scene parameters that had been adjusted in D5 Render.

Camera sync


  • When live sync is on, click on the Send Cameras button to convert all Blender cameras into D5 scenes.

  • Camera name and collections are not supported for sync.

Light sync


  • When live sync is on, click on the Send Lights button to synchronize lights (Point, Sun, Spot and Area) into D5 Render.

  • Supported light types and parameters:

Blender D5 Parameters
Point Point light Name, location, intensity
Sun Spotlight Name, location, intensity
Spot Spotlight Name, location, intensity
Area Rectangular light Name, location, intensity, scale, shape (square, rectangle)


  • Light groups, color, radius, and shapes (Disk, Ellipse) are not supported.
  • The light intensity does not support incremental synchronization, which means D5 Render reads that value only at the first synchronization.

View sync


  • When live sync is on, click on the Link View button to keep the view of Blender and D5 Render consistent.

  • One click to turn on/off live view sync.

Export .d5a files


  • D5 Render cannot open .blend files directly, therefore we can export the models in .d5a format by D5 Converter for Blender.
  • Export the whole file or selected objects only.

Material bake


  1. Bake all materials or selected ones only.

  2. Choose different texture resolutions: 256, 512, 1k, 2k, 4k.

  3. Sync the baked textures into D5 Render or export .d5a files.

  4. Support baking Blender procedural textures.

  5. Recommended to check Using auto-UV option: automatic UV mapping.

  6. Default/Current bake settings: Default (recommended bake settings) Current (current Cycles settings).

  7. Customize the output path of baked textures.


  • Go to Blender > Preferences > Add-ons, search D5 and find D5 Converter, check it and click on Remove.

  • Or uninstall D5 Converter for Blender from the Start menu directly.


If you encounter any problems when using Blender and D5 Render workflow, feel free to visit D5 Forum, where you can read release notes and known issues/solutions, communicate with each other, and seek help from D5 Support.


Thank you D5!!!

Top! Thank you

Thanks a lot!!!

Thank you for nice update. It’s quite fast and exports materials well.
However it exports all visible objects as one geometry to D5. It would be nice to have below features:

  1. Export/Sync objects so they are visible in D5 as separate geometries which you can turn off from view or zoom in with ‘z’ shortcut.
  2. Export/Sync selected objects.

I noticed also this bug: If I export my scene to D5, set all materials up in there, then I want to work on one element and I turn off some objects from view and synchronize again to see only them in D5
Once I’m synchronize the scene with all objects again to D5 then all my previously prepared materials are becoming default and I have to set up my materials again. Can you fix it?

Thank you for the suggestions.
To export selected objects only, you can check this option when exporting:

And when syncing, we sync what we see in Blender, so there is no “sync selected objects” feature at this moment. And also that is why hidden objects would not keep their materials in D5.
I will share with the product team these suggestions.


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Great! Thank you.
I think, Important is to keep the geometries separated - as original objects and not combine them into one object. It’s nice to have an option to turn off some objects from view inside the D5 render.


Hi is this livesync applicable for Blender 4?

1 Like

I also have this question.

It work on 4.0.2!
4.1 its not compatible

I need Help.
My Blender freeze on my office PC after execute the “export or sync” button on D5 Sync Blender Add-On. I checked with my system administrator and they are asking if there are any special Blender exceptions for the firewall?

They asked me if there is a documentation for Blender regarding the firewall rules?
They think it’s because of that

I use Blender 4.0.2

Does no one have the same problem? I already posted it in another thread.

“Get update error
” When starting Blender, this is the first error message I get compared to my home machine.

Are there any Blender/D5 specific domains that should be released?

any news about 4.2 LTS compatibility?


i’m not having that issue on the most recent maybe try updating everything?

is there any way to get it linking lights that are hidden? With my job i’ll do multipl variations / options for design and i just have them turned off in collections since they’re all based in the same venue it’s super annoying that I have to delete a slew of lights that are hidden in the blender file but for some reasons are synced into d5.

thank you d5