When I export the video the light flashes or goes dark

D5 Render Version: 2.9
Graphics Card: RTX 4080
Driver Version: 572.83
Problem Description:
I can’t export a decent video, from the montage of frames I captured.

Screenshot/Video Description:

I have a lot of flickering, I thought that by improving the resolution I could get a smoother video movement.

The main problem occurs in slightly darker spaces, where you see the environment go from dark to bright (with strong contrasts). For example in bathrooms where this effect is stronger, you can see how towards the door (darkest area) it is a dark environment, then moving towards the window it becomes lighter, with light tending towards blue or in any case very strange.

Hi @severini.samuele

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Have you tried enabling Super Resolution or FPS Booster? If you have, try disabling them.
Super Resolution and FPS Booster

Additionally, it would be best to include Images or Video Recordings (links) here so we can fully grasp the issue. Thank you.

Thanks for the reply.
I tried both activating and deactivating them. The second one seems slightly better, but the result is still largely insufficient.


I also updated to the latest version 2.10, trying to udo the Path.

I have to deliver the renders but I can’t export them… the preview in the program is good (I thought of capturing the screen).

Right in the bathroom, I’ll start by saying that it is poorly lit. As soon as you enter the room you see a warm ambient light, then it becomes cold, then black.

Link file D5

Hi @severini.samuele

I apologize for the inconvenience. The link you have provided seems to be not working on my end. Can you please send us a WeTransfer link or a Google Drive (permission modified) link?

Additionally, when updating to 2.10, most of the scenes will go dark when Auto Exposure is enabled before, we will be addressing and optimizing this issue in the version release.

The video I’m using for testing that I can’t export well can be found in the Clip list called A1.

I made a mistake in uploading the file, I attach a file with pure white to replace the previous B

VIDEO A : With normal HDRI and only ambient light

VIDEO B : With HDRI “Pure White” and light sources on the windows

  1. I turned off Auto Expo.
  2. I turned on and off the Path settings (when it is on it shows strange light balls around the render)
  3. On/off FPS Booster or Super Resolution
  4. Put GEosky
  5. Put HDRI with “pure sky” (free image in the sky) and light sources each window as recommended by your videos.

Never every time a different defect comes.
Putting: HDRI with “pure sky” + light sources each window + Without Path; I arrived at a square but: I see lights flashing and at the end of the video, a light appeared under the desk randomly.

PS: I had switched to D5Render for its speed of exporting video renders, but I am 3 weeks behind in delivery compared to my customer. Please help me understand how to set the lights.

Hi @severini.samuele

  • The google drive links you have sent are your D5 Render Files, right? The D5 Render Files should be sent with the full folder otherwise we won’t be able to access it.

  • So basically, you’re trying to set up the natural lighting coming from outside and you want the bathroom to be illuminated by it. Have you tried switching to other options such as Geo & Sky or perhaps Custom if HDRI is not enough? Or somehow put an artificial light near the window.

  • There are also post-process parameters that can be modified to improve the lighting of your space.

  • Can you try a clean reinstallation of your drivers? If there are random light streaks or some splotches that appear, a clean reinstallation may help.