Hello, I have installed the latest version of the program and when I open a new scene or load a file, the program closes by itself. how can i solve it? Can I install a previous version? Thank you and greetings.

Sorry for your issue. If you try to create a new empty scene, can D5 run normally? Did you use Please tell me your windows version, graphics card driver version and dedicated GPU memory usage when running D5, you can refer to the following images. Please turn off CPU overclocking or RAM XMP profile if they are turned on. You can refer to this post first, if the problem persists, let us know. Crashes/Restarts/Fails to Load - Get Help / How to - D5 RENDER FORUM

Generally I open the program, click +NEW, the new window opens, you can see how it loads until it reaches 100%, when it reaches 100 the program closes (I have installed it on another computer and exactly the same thing happens) .

Yes, it is version

Processor: Intel(R) Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz 4.00 GHz
RAM: 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable)

Windows 10 Pro
version: 22H2

I have tried some of the solutions and the problem persists (as I mentioned before, I installed this version on another PC with Windows 11 and it closes exactly the same).

Can you use D5 normally before? How many power supplies do you have now? How about your Speed of Memory? Have you modified the BIOS to switch on overclocking for the CPU and graphics card? If so, please switch it off. You can also try:

  1. Windows power setting on normal.

2.Turned off Turbo Boost in BIOS.

3.Turned off Intel Adaptive Boost in BIOS.

Before installing this version everything worked perfectly. Is there a way to install a previous version (because it is clear that it is a problem with the program, as I mentioned in the previous post, I installed it on two different computers and the same thing happens on both)?

What version did you install before? Did you download this current version directly from our official website or did you upgrade from the original version? Are there two graphics cards in your computer? Please disable your Intel GPU, to make sure D5 Render uses Nvidia to work. In Windows Device manager, find the Intel Iris GPU and disable it here.

I don’t remember which version I had before, at least 3 years ago I had it installed. I removed the old version and installed the latest one.
I have disabled Intel. The program still does not work.

Have you modified the BIOS to switch on overclocking for the CPU and graphics card? Can you send your logs to us? You can send me directly or email to with the briefly describe. We will check it.

You can refer to this post to learn how to collect logs: How to use Support Tool? | User Manual (

Any update will be appreciated.