Revit Rendering with D5 Render | D5 Sync for Revit

D5 Render is a real-time rendering tool for Revit. D5 Converter-Revit helps you to achieve synchronization between Revit and D5.

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Download & Installation

Double click on the .exe file after the download, and follow the notifications to install D5 Sync for Revit

Learn more about D5 Render for Revit

Download D5 Render

What’s New


release date: 20240516

New and Optimization

  • Supports Revit 2025
  • The models exported in groups will automatically synchronize their relative positions when placed in D5, without the need for manual coordinate synchronization

Ver. 0.4.6

Release date: 2023.8.4


  • Supported Settings Modification During Sync
  • Supported Warning Upon Phase/Phase Filter Changing


  • Enhanced User Experience Upon Sync With Revit Links Popup Menu
  • Enhanced Materials Handling
  • Enhanced Emissive Material
  • Enhanced Phase/Phase Filter Changes Handling


  • Fixed Color Filters With Revit Links
  • Fixed Missing Decals With Revit Links

Ver. 0.4.5

Release date: 2023.4.10


  • Support Revit 2024
  • Support Color Filters That Assigns Material Colors By Filters Surface Pattern
  • Support Separated Export To Manage Elements Separately If Required


  • Fixed Installation Not Showing Revit Versions For Some Devices

Ver. 0.4.2

Release date: 2022.11.28


  • Supported AMD and Intel Graphics Cards
  • Supported Emissive Material Color
  • Supported Imported Symbols Textures


  • Enhanced Exporting Performance
  • Enhanced Materials Default Values
  • Enhanced Update Notification Only When User Uses D5 Exporter
  • Enhanced Naming Of Separated Categories and Light Groups
  • Enhanced Skybox Automatic Handling With Huge Survey Points


  • Fixed Installation Error When Revit Install Path Is Not Found
  • Fixed Date Issue Conflict With Other Plugins
  • Fixed Model-In-Place of Topography Category Issue
  • Fixed Decal Regression Due to Revit 2023 API
  • Fixed Revit Links Not Syncing If Turned Off then Toggled On From Visibility Graphics

Ver. 0.3.9

Release date: 2022.5.31


  • Support Revit 2023


  • Fix the incompatiblity with BuildMaster


  • Keep the last time settings of separate categories
  • Enhance the performance

Ver. 0.3.7

Release date: 2022.3.14


  • Fixed Network Texture Detection
  • Fixed Glossiness Value In Some Appearance Assets


  • Enhanced Decal Handling
  • Enhanced Additional Render Paths Detection

Ver. 0.3.6

Release date: 2021.12.23


  • Supported Instance Light Sources Parameters
  • Supported Opacity Maps
  • Supported Bump and Opacity for Decals


  • Fixed Minor Issue With Some Missing Elements in Revit Links
  • Fixed Missing Materials When Using Small Section Boxes
  • Language Independent Integration for Lighting and Material Export


  • Full Decals Re-Syncing Stability
  • Ability to Handle Revit Projects That Are Far From Internal Origin

Ver. 0.3.3

Release date: 2021.10.10


  • Support Revit 2022
  • Support Section Boxes Changes
  • Support Temporary Hidden Elements
  • Support Views Detail Level Changes
  • Support Displaced Elements
  • Support All Types of Lights in Revit
  • Support Consistent Colors Mode
  • Support Group Materials By Assets
  • Support Smoothness Level Control
  • Support Material Changes
  • Support Separate Links Syncing
  • Support Separate Category Syncing


  • Fixed Additional Textures Detection
  • Fixed All Problems Related to Loosing Sync
  • Fixed Different Faulty Messages Issues
  • Fixed Light Position Issues With Survey Point
  • Fixed Material Data Loss Issues


  • Enhanced Exporting Speed
  • Enhanced Materials Translation
  • Enhanced UV Texture Mapping
  • Enhanced Translated Light Source Position Logic
  • Enhanced Settings Menu and Export Menu Consistency


One-click to launch D5 Render in Revit

Start D5: Construct connection with D5

Stop D5: Close connection with D5

Sync Model: Refresh changes made in Revit project into D5

Sync Links: Refresh changes made for linked projects into D5

View On: Sync Revit camera movement with D5 camera

View Off: Disconnect Revit camera from D5 camera

Sync Cameras: Send Revit cameras to D5 scenes

Sync Lights: Send Revit lights to D5 as light sources


Use Survey Point

The exported model will use Survey Point as Origin(0,0,0) instead of Project Base Point

Tip: Useful for aligning multiple Revit models with same shared coordinates

Use Consistent Colors

Use materials’ RGB graphics colors instead of asset texture and/or color

Tip: Useful to start creating your scenes from colored materials only.

Group Materials By Assets

Use asset names as a way to separate elements in D5, instead of material names

Tip: Useful for handling professionally organized materials in Revit projects, or with Dynamo scripts that overrides material assets

Export Smoothness

Change model smoothness in D5

Tip: Default value is good enough

Select Categories To Be Separated

Export Selected Categories As `Separate Models in D5 Model Browser

Tip: Useful for more control over Revit categories visibility inside D5 directly


Produce .d5a file that could be imported into D5

Tip: Syncing is more advisable due to many extra features such as scene sync, light sync and sync/link sync

Revit Tips

-In huge projects with many links, each link is automatically separated in D5, making it easy to control what’s visible or what’s not, it also gives flexibility to move around the model while turning off some unneeded links.

-You can also think of separating categories such as Furniture, Furniture System, and Generic Models through the settings menu, that will make it also easier for you to control the visibility of those categories when you are rendering exteriors or interiors.

-If you have cold bended panels or organic shaped surfaces, then it’s alright to keep using the default smoothness value already assigned in settings, it works for most projects as expected.

*Increasing it will largely increase the resources needed from your GPU’s VRAM


-Old Revit projects done with version less than 0.3.3 of Revit Exporter aren’t compatible with the current version, due to changes made in Material translating logic.

-You might need to click “OK” multiple times when separating categories or having Revit linked models

(We will improve it in next D5 version)

Supported versions

Revit 2018.3 - Revit 2025

Can’t make the Revit light sync to work… please tell me how.

Thank you.

1 Like

Hello, we have a new beta version that fixes the language-caused light-sync issue, please check the private message I sent you.

1 Like

can you also pass me that beta version?

Hello, the beta testing was in last year and now the problem has been fixed for the offiicial version, and you can download it from our website or the Workflow page of D5 Render.
Download | D5 Render
Did you meet any problem when using the plugin? Please let me know if you need help.

By the way, do not miss this awesome tutorial we released today for Revit users:

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Thanks for the information, I continued with the previous version, I'll try the new one.
Have a nice day.
1 Like

Tengo problemas con el sincronizado, al momento que quiero visualizarlo en D5 no me aparece nada, como si mi proyecto no estuviese ahí. Espero puedan darme un consejo o solución gracias

Google translate:
I have problems with synchronization. When I want to visualize in D5, I can’t see anything. It seems that my project is not there. I hope you can give me some suggestions or solutions. Thank you

Hello, sorry for the late reply, to let others can search and find the potential solution for your question, we add Google translate to your post.

The issue you met is probably due to video driver or GPU. If you use Nvidia graphics cards, please make sure the video driver is updated, since old driver versions like 467.xx will cause this kind of problem.
If you use other graphics cards, sorry that for now they do not support our Revit plugin since it is developed with Nvidia CUDA tech. But we will roll out a new one which supports all types of GPU soon.


Im having issues separating what surfaces I can apply material assets to. In my Revit model I have various carpets on the floor ( they are assigned different names,materials, and hatch textures in REVIT). In the “Floors” object in D5 I can apply a different material to the concrete floor and the carpets, but I want each carpet a different material.
I have other instances in D5 where I can apply a different material to each surface in the object (which is what I want) so know its possible, just don’t understand what needs to be corrected.

-I am running the latest Revit converter
-I have tried syncing with all the different settings in the Revit convert (Group materials by assets, use consistent colors, and by separating all categories)

Please help

Can you close the “group by material assets” in the converter and try again?

I’m Having the same issue and I tried everything, but still doesn’t work :frowning:

No me deja enlazar de revit a d5 render, las versiones anterior si me dejaba normal, me pueden ayudar por favor



Hi there
Have the same problem, Were you able to solve it?