Rendering blocked at 99% on video clips after update) - Renderizado bloqueado al 99% en clips de video después de la actualización

Rendering blocked at 99% on video clips after update
Renderizado bloqueado al 99% en clips de video después de la actualización
Solo pasa con los videos, imágenes renderiza bien - Only happens with videos, images render well.
Occurs only when using the render queue, no problems when rendering individual videos.
Ocurre sólo al utilizar la cola de renderizado, no hay problemas al renderizar vídeos individuales.

**D5 Render Version:
**Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 ti
**Driver Version:
**Issue Description: Renderizado bloqueado al 99% en clips de video
Screenshots/Videos Description:
Steps to Reproduce (optional):

Sorry for your issue. Did it occur in all scene-files or just this specific scene-file? Can you render the other scenes properly? What resolution are you rendering this video in? Can it be rendered properly at a lower resolution? Does this scene use the Scatter in a lot of places?

Please tell me your dedicated GPU memory usage when rendering, you can refer to the following image. Any update will be appreciated. :heart_hands: