Glass material issue


I have a model with two layers of glazing, one is the curtain wall (specular 0.5), and the other one is the glass railing right in front of it.
For some reason, the glass railing makes the curtain wall behind dark, it’s hiding its reflection! (see the image)

I tried changing all the values and colors for both materials and nothing worked.

note: the glass handrail should be transparent, with lower specular level, and the curtain wall should be more reflective.

Hi @wkaradsheh, Welcome to D5 forum, and apologies for this issue. May I know what D5 Render version you are currently using? Is this the only file that has this kind of issue, or is this happening to all of your files? Also, are you using a customized glass material? If yes, you can visit our D5 material library for the glass material you need. You can choose from a basic glass material or gradient glass.

Thanks for replying

  • I’m using version
  • I’m using normal glass as a base, then I changed the specular level and other values.

I only noticed it in this project, but I just did a quick test of putting two glass panels, one in front of the other, and for some reason, the first layer of glass hides the reflection of the glass behind.

I just wanted to show the reflection of the sky in the curtain wall, while having a transparent railing in front of it (in the main project I’m working on), because it looks odd.

Hello @wkaradsheh,

  • About double glazings (transparent materials), only the first layer will display DI and reflections, this is a strategy made for real-time efficiency. So it is a known issue with the current version that you can’t see the effect of the second layer of glass through the first one. Thanks for understanding. :pray:
  • It is suggested to increase the ‘‘specular’’ parameter of the first layer of glass as well / try to change the material template of the second layer to ‘‘custom’’ and then adjust its parameter.

Yes exactly, that seems to be the issue here.
I hope this gets fixed in the coming updates! :slight_smile:


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