Hi there I apologize, You might want to change the coordinate option in the settings panel of your D5 Render Livesync in 3dsMax and see if there are any differences. Let me know if this helps, thank you.
Hi there, may I just reconfirm if this is the window that you have tried to change the settings to? You might want to try to switch between X/Y Switch or Y/-Y Switch and let me know if there are any differences. Thank you.
Hi there, we can’t seem to replicate the environment where the issue was observed. On my end, I tried to create the same cube object in SketchUp then proceeded to import it to 3dsMax 2024 then synced it to D5 Render. In its initial syncing, the model was rotated 90 degrees from its original position from 3dsMax and SketchUp but when I changed the Coordinates to the Y/-Y Switch it fixed the issue.
Would it be possible to send this file to us so we can further test it? You can send it to support@d5techs.com and have it titled “Clov-Forum” and then just briefly describe the issue. Thank you.