Different output colour from videos or photo (low poly plants)

D5 Render Version: 2.8
Graphics Card: RTX 4090 MSI
Driver Version:
Issue Description: Different output color between video export and photo export
Screenshots/Videos Description:

this from video

this from photo

Steps to Reproduce (optional): I use scatter to scater the nature asset, the assets is low poly trees with pink leaves, and I change the hue on the leaves, to white, blue, orange, and red like in photo, but in videos it changes to the original color

pls help :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Hi @indra18.taskmgr

Apologies for running this issue, have you tried to turn on or activate the (SR) Super Resolution? You can refer to this guide. Also, is this the first time you had this issue? or does it happen to the rest of your file or only for this specific file?

If it is convenient for you could you please send me your file through this email to support@d5techs.com put the complete (forum link) of this issue, and tag me mas for easy tracking?

Thank you.

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ok, I will try it, hope will work, pls waiit :raised_hands:

still have same issue with Super resolution turn on



Thanks for your feedback. Could you try to render it in a higher resolution and this time uncheck or turn off the SR feature? If it is convenient for you could you please send me your project file for testing? Send it through this email to support@d5techs.com put the complete (forum link) of this issue, and tag me @maslu for easy tracking.

Thank you.


I also had a similar issue, could u check if u go closer to the tree the colors come?
I had manually changed the material of the tree or hue/color or any kind of texture manipulation on lowpoly, after a certain “clipping plain” it fails to show up in the view and resets to the original as green any texture manipulation reverts to default.

U did a hue modification, I made it White to make it look like they were conceptual. And if u was clearly visible Some are white and some green.

Recording 2024-08-20 115208

Any kind of “cull distance” in the settings menu – Preview-0/999 or output-1000 doesn’t effect it. They show up like the clip above. Some green some white. Where as all should show up as white only.

You can recreate this easily by using any baseplane scatter, and edit the leaf material color.

okay, i will send the file right away :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

yes true, on the editor scene it will appear like your images, but when you render photo it will show correct color like you want (or like you edited now is white) but when rendering the video it will change into the original textures :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hi @anandmayank,

Thank you for reaching out. This is a known issue and we’re sorry about this. Please turn off options for LOD (Level of details) Click preference and go to tab level of detail.

Let me know the results of my suggestion.

Thank you.


This actually work, I turn OFF the LOD and the video render will match the photo render.
But render time 5x more longer than before, I hope for future improvement there is a way to render it with modified LOD :raised_hands: :laughing: @maslu

its work. Thanks

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Good day!
Happy to be at help