[D5 Render Challenge II] Sunny Villa - Shining

:star2: About the Challenge

Theme: Sunny Villa
Artist: Shining
Location: Shanghai, China
Graphics Card: RTX 3090
Workflow: 3ds Max + D5 Render
Post-processing: PR
Source of assets that are not from D5 asset library: self-made

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Description of the work:

β€œFaced with the busy city life and environment that is being ruiend day by day, I believe we must have a space of beauty and peace in our mind. This scene is what I have in mind.”

:earth_africa: Location of your scene: Shanghai, China

:round_pushpin: Distance: 50 km


VERY NICE. good job

Is there any change in the submission time?
I remember May 23 ends

@reimerly There was no change in the submission time, so now it has ended. These are submissions on CN Forum, and I’m reposting them here so everyone can see all the entries.