Hi. I use sketchup with D5 render. When I name my D5 lights and group them as I want to and the next time I open the sketchup file, the names of the lightings disappear and are reset to default lighting names. Because of this, I’ve been naming my lightings every morning since they disappear whenever I reopen sketchup. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Hi @mjsyhs, sorry for the inconvenience. Please may I know your D5 version and the Livesync version you’re using. Please have you experienced this issue while working on other projects?
Kindly confirm if the SketchUp file and D5 file are both stored locally on your computer.
Yes I have experienced this issue with other projects. And yes the skp file and D5 file are stored locally on my computer.
Yesterday before leaving work, I individually changed the names of the lightings inside the groups they belong and changed the group name. But this morning when I reopened the file, the names of the group were reset but inside the group, the lighting names remained. Is there a solution for this?
Hi @mjsyhs, apologies for the inconvenience. Kindly share a copy of the scene file (entire folder) to our email support@d5techs.com so we can test the issue on our end. Please use the tag Anthony_Forum for easy identification.
I also recommend updating to the latest version of D5 Render from the Website D5 Render | Real-Time 3D Rendering Software
Hi I just sent an email.
Hi @mjsyhs
While we are working on the lighting issue, could you please provide us with some additional information? I’d like to collect your log files as well as your scene files. Please send a WeTransfer link to our email at support@d5techs.com.
For steps on how to collect log files, please visit
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