Crashing at 99%

D5 Render Version: 2.7.0
Graphics Card: RTX 4070 Ti
Cpu: i9- 14900KF
Ram 64 GB
Driver Version: 10.0.22621.2506
Issue Description: I tried re-installing and turning off life 360 antivirus, but everytime I tried to open D5 (new file) it’s stuck at 99% and freeze the screen, making me have to restart my PC. Really want to try D5 Render but can’t pass the loading screen, can anyone help me with this issue???

Hi, Gai tried to install the version prior to 2.6 which can be found on this page

Try this first if it opens, then have the D5, the graphics card, the Driver and this updated

Hello. Sorry to hear about your problem. The current 14900k graphics card may cause D5 to run unstable. You can refer to this posting. It gives some solutions.
Does the CPU have a big impact on D5? | User Manual (

Best regards

thanks for the manual, i really have to change it manually on my bios but it actually working and running now. u dont know how much time i spent for this stuff until this work… 5 days… Anyway thanks a bunch dude. ur awsome

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Glad to help you. If you have any other problems, feel free to contact us.