AI enhancer not working

I need help regarding AI enhancer. After processing, AI enhancer produces no output (blank preview, no saving). I tried to fix with tips on the forum (changing networks, disabling firewall) but nothing seems to work

Hope you can help,

Hi @supergutstudio

Apologies for running this issue, does this problem only happen to one of your files or the rest of your project files? Could you also identify the exact time that when this issue occur? I Need to make sure we have this in full detail for the known issue tracker. Another thing, could you please send me the following information your, email address, Internet Service Provider, and country/region? send it to put the complete (forum link) of this issue, and tag me @maslu for easy tracking. I will get back to you right away once I have this information.

Thank you.

Our team has fixed this issue, I tried AI Enhancer on my end, and it is working. Can you try it again, please? Thanks for your patience.

If you still need related IP info for your IT, feel free to contact me by private message.

same problem with 2.10
2.09 was working perfectly.
Also, I live in the Dominican Republic,
Santo Domingo, 01 DO
ISP: Compania Dominicana de Telefonos S. A.

Hi there @fabien.rebuffel

I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you send us a screenshot of any error prompts that appeared? Have you also tried to connect to another network or use a VPN? Please let me know. Thank you.

Hi @clovisbolasco14
Thank you for your answer. There are no prompts or error appearing on screen. Any of the AI actions that I try using just loads and stops without any message. When i bought D5 it was 2.8 and was doing the same thing at first and got fixed on its own. when updated to 2.9 it was working like a charm. and now it does it again. I’m not using a VPN and there is no other network to connect to. Thank you.

Hi @fabien.rebuffel

Can you message me your email address? Thank you.

Hi @clovisbolasco14
Thank you.

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Hello, I am connecting from Turkey. I cannot use the Ai feature. The Ai window opens but does not work. Can you help?

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Hi @yasarsimsekk

Does this occur after the 2.10 Update? Can you use the AI Features normally in the 2.9 Version? Which AI Feature are you unable to use?

  • What is your email address that is used in your D5 Render Account?

Hi @clovisbolasco14
I also tried using a vpn and tried the google DNS server without any positive results. All the AI features worked perfectly with 2.9 with my current configuration. It is getting frustrating for my business to not be able to use the AI features. You asked me for my email adress which I have already send. Hope the developers can find a solution as quick as posible. Thanks in advance

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Hi @fabien.rebuffel

Please try to whitelist our IP Addresses and see if the AI Tool works normally. I will be sending it to you via DIrect Message.

Thank you for your help @clovisbolasco14, but unfortunately it still doesn’t work…
I’ve whitelisted the IP addresses that you’ve sent me with no success.

Hi @fabien.rebuffel

We would like to know the root cause of this issue that you are experiencing. Please check your DMs :bowing_man: