Ai enhancement preview not working

Yes, it’s working.

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Hi @Vera_Hsu ,

The initial problem is gone but I still cannot download the image.

It takes 15-20 minutes to load it all in the AI Enhancer window:

When loading is done I still cannot download.
The download is stuck at 1.8MB:

So I still cannot download,
Please fix.

I just tried Enhance AI and is working OK. Thanks to the D5 team.

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Sorry for any inconvenience caused. How is your net speed? If there is a file with a download suffix after you use the ai enhancer, it means that the file hasn’t finished downloading yet. You can try wait for a while or switch the network. :pray:

​Hi @Vera_Hsu ,

The download is very slow, while my connection is very fast.

It is unusual to wait more than 10 minutes for a download.

A few days ago it was happening instantly.

Could you please check if something can be improved?

Thank you!

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Hi @bogdan.chipara ,

It is normal for the download time to be around ten minutes after using AI Enhancer, do you download every project in around ten minutes? You can try another program to see the download time.

AI Enhancer is cloud-based, so if it’s particularly slow to use, try the following:

  1. Reboot the router or switch a network for your computer (you can test by using wifi or hotspot).
  2. Use VPN to switch a node.

Hope it will help you. :pray:


Hi @Vera_Hsu ,
I replied by email.
This doesn’t help unfortunatley.
The problem is also described by others in this topic:

Hello, AI Enhancer is not working. Help me solve the problem

Hi @bogdan.chipara,

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. I see the specific information you said in your email. Can you run the Support Tool and show me a screenshot of your internet speed (which may not be the same as what you get directly from your computer)? And please let me know your country and region, and which ISP you are using.

Any update will be appreciated. :pray:


Hi @osip_drod_gen,

Sorry for this issue. I tried AI Enhancer from my end just now, and it works fine. If you try to switch the network, can you use AI Enhancer normally?
