Wrong Glow on video material lights

**D5 Render Version:2.6
**Graphics Card:RTX 4060 TI 16GB
**Driver Version: 546.01
**Issue Description: I have rendered a Video for a signboard project and as you can see there are kind of Las Vegas lights dancing around the signboard, but the problem is, the glow is not moving like the light itself. I have divided those lights to 3 materials, each of them video with light at different time, so when you sync them up like I did, you could see light moving anticlockwise.
The 1st set is bright at 1st second, dark at next two, the second one bright at 2nd second, dark at 1st and 3rd. and the 3rd one is dark at 1st two seconds and bright at 3rd. so the loop will work.
but it seams the glow does not move based on the video, it’s just based on first frame. the problem exists both on real-time view and final render.
Screenshots/Videos Description:

you can watch the entire video here.

there is also another problem here, needs another topic, but I think I can mention it here anyway. as you watch the video, there are 3 character paths, two on sidewalk, each one direction, and one in street, with the bike guy. In my first render, I had extremely good placement on the bike and sidewalk for my video and it was perfect, but I closed D5 after the render, and when I noticed an issue and I opened D5 again to fix it, all three paths were empty. I had to change density to make the people show up again, and no matter how much I adjusted, I never got that cool placement again. I tried my best and that was the final result, but when I opened D5 again today, the people on the paths are again, gone, so I guess I have to adjust them again. which is just not cool. maybe I have chosen very small width and that’s why they disappear after I close, or maybe another reason. but please, fix this, no one likes to find their efforts gone after reopening a file.

happy new lunar year guys.

Hi, mate

are you using the latest 2.6.1 version?

  1. How did you keyframe these lights in your video? Are you using light groups? Did you keyframe the whole group? When you just set the keyframes for the lights, did the real-time preview never work either?
  2. Are they all in the right place in your rendered video? Did D5 have a crash during the rendering process? Please monitor your video memory usage during the rendering process.

Hi, my friend, as I have mentioned those are not lights. those are video Materials with Emission enabled.

there are 3 separate videos. The 1st set is white at 1st second, black at next two, the second one white at 2nd second, black at 1st and 3rd. and the 3rd one is black at 1st two seconds and bright at 3rd. so I gave first group of lights, video 1, 2nd group, video 2 and 3rd group, video 3, so the loop works. and lights are in sync.
but about glow, which is basically active if “Cast Shadow” Option is checked, only first Video which is white at first frame has that glow or emitted light around it. on it doesn’t change.

what I mean, the problem is the cast shadow effect on video emissive materials doesn’t change based on the video, only first frame. so, if a video is bright at first frame, it emits lights, and if it’s not, it doesn’t. even if gets bright later.

for a workaround you can simply turn cast shadow off, but I was hoping it would be fixed and could work for entire video.

ok, thanks for your explanation and updates. We will convey it to our team. You’re also welcome to put your needs/suggestions in ‘Ideas & Requests’ part, that will be more helpful for our team to track.

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