Video material with light qualities, for visibility

I often use video materials as light sources for dynamic scenes.
Is there a way to make a video material have more emissive qualities?
So that is visible in fog, and functions also as Volume Light?

Here is an example to illustrate this.
An emmissive material or a video material does not react to the environment as a normal light.
and cannot be made visible trough for an volumetric light settings? is this possible?

Thanks for your suggestion, I have shared your suggestion with the my team. :smiley:

Or to be able to put video content on a light source. Could also be a solution…

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Thanks for your advice!

Hi there,

correct me if i´m wrong, but i thought the 2.4 update already brought this feature to D5 Render. There is a moment in an announcement video where you can see a video like content, that is used in the emissive channel:


Someone had the exact same question about a month ago.