Help emissive Material

The emissive materials give off lights accordingly, but I tried unsuccessfully. I don’t know why? Do you have any instructions to help me?

D5 Render 2.4 Overview Tutorial

I try

Hi mate, you are using the Video material template. Please switch to custom material template then insert maps to check the result.

How to choose video map for custom materials to make led signs or billboards as a guide.

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did you find any solution? @ yu12201067 @ Oliver.J i have the exact same program need to create a billboard with an emmisive video but it gives the incorrect reflection, not like in the 2.4 overview

Hi mate, I checked the file of the 2.4 overview, and the effect was made with emissive materials (custom material template), not video material template. If you think the reflection effect is not correct with video materials, please let us know or send us the video/scene file for further troubleshooting, thanks in advance!