Video Issues. Shifted Shots. Impossible to control the camera settings

D5 Render Version: 2.6.1
Graphics Card: rtx 3080
Driver Version: 546.09
Issue Description: I create a shot in the clip, set perspective focal lehgth etc… After I run the render and see, that the camera is shifted (like keyframes jump to another place) in the result. And for example instead of regular perspective it becomes 2 point. Could it be cause of several shots with different camera settings in one clip?

Screenshots/Videos Description:
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Hello! Thanks for feedback.
Did you use a queue rendering? Is there both two-point perspective and perspective video in the same queue?

Yes, and I guess you are right.
Now Im splitting the video only with clips, not shots and there are no such issues any more.

There is currently a bug that can cause offsets when there are both two-point perspective and perspective in a queue. 2.7 will fix this.

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