Vectorworks livesync d5 render

Good evening, this is architect speaking from Panama. I have been using D5 Render for over a year now, along with Vectorworks. During this time I have worked well until now. I use D5 LiveSync as a vector tool, but when I try to transfer the model to D5 Render it closes. This happens to me very often. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m currently working on some very important projects in my company, and I urgently need the programs to be working properly. By the way, I pay for the professional license. thanks

Hi there @citymallarquitectos

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. I have a few questions for troubleshooting purposes:

  • Does this issue persist in all of your files as well? Or is it specific?
  • Which Version of the plug-in are you using? You may want to download the latest version via this link: D5 Render for Vectorworks Real-time Rendering Workflow
  • Which D5 Render and VetorWorks version are you currently using?

Thank you. (1.7 MB)

Hi, @citymallarquitectos

I have only received your log files, and no Vector Works file was attached. Additionally, I advise to post all of your replies here in this forum topic instead of creating a new one, this is to prevent confusion and for navigation ease. Thank you.

Hi there, I’m still having the same issue as [citymallarquitectos] with the most recent update. I can change the tessellation quality in vectorworks but it always switches back to project default and I’m getting these low poly curves in the final renderings. Any solutions?

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Hi @cf1

Can you provide me with the following information:

  • Does this issue persist in all of your files as well? Or is it specific?
  • Which Version of the plug-in are you using? You may want to download the latest version via this link: D5 Render for Vectorworks Real-time Rendering Workflow
  • Which D5 Render and VectorWorks version are you currently using? Please send us a screenshot

Is it possible for you to send us your VW file and log file? You may send it to and have it titled Clov-Forum VW Crash after 2.10 Update (cf1)

Hi @citymallarquitectos @cf1

Can you please confirm if which software closes after the Livesync is activated? Is it VectorWorks or D5 Render that closes after activating the plug-in? thank you.

D5 RENDER IS CLOSES :sleepy: :kissing:

Hi @citymallarquitectos

Were there any error prompts on your end, such as a TDR Error prompt?

No, it just closes the d5 automatically when I sync it

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Hi @clovisbolasco14

Thank you for the answer. I’m on the newest version of VW and D5. The issue with the tesselation quality has somehow solved itself. But now I also have probelms with D5 crashing as soon as there’s to much geometry in the scene. I can load simple models but not full interior models. Could you help me with this?

Hi @cf1

There’s currently a known issue with Vectorworks 2025 and D5 Render 2.10, we are currently fixing this issue and it will be addressed in the subsequent release. If you are on a tight deadline and need the immediate use of D5 Render, you may downgrade to Version 2.9 or 2.9.1.

You may download the previous versions in this link: