Unable to download the installation files

I am unable to download the installation file.
Both the online and offline installers are giving errors.


Sorry for the inconvenience. Did you download directly from our website? The latest version now is Will there be any error image pop-ups when you are downloading or installing? Did you download the installation package to a path that you don’t have permission for?

Here is the latest version download link: D5 Render | Real-Time Ray Tracing 3D Rendering Software

Thank you.
I managed to download the full install file from github.

Any update will be appreciated. If you ever have more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out.

I have a question.
Does the sync tool work with blender 4.1?

Blender 4.1 is not currently supported and is under development. We’ll make an announcement as soon as there’s an update.

Thank you.
Are all 3d model formats imported as a single object?

Typically, when you import a 3D model into D5, it retains its structure as it was created in the original modeling software. This means that if the original model was composed of multiple objects, groups, or components, they should remain separate entities within D5.