Three problems in rendering

Hello. I found three problems in rendering.

  1. Accidentally left the cursor in the scene window with the eyedropper tool active. Object textures were highlighted during video rendering. We need protection from this. At the start of the render, the program must turn off the active tools.
    jd16 0 - YouTube
  2. In the same video and in the screenshot, you can see that the light source in reflective surfaces is very hard.
  3. To save resources while working on the scene, the grass is visible only in the foreground. During rendering, the grass is not visible in reflective surfaces.
    Visualization of a log house. d5render (free version). Визуализация бревенчатого дома. - YouTube

D5 Render Version: 2.0.5
Graphics Card: 3060
Driver Version: 472.47

Hello. Added another video. The mirror is not only hard light. There is no illumination from the bottom of the lamps. Lampshades in reflection do not shine.

Hi Ivan,

The first issue is a bug we are narrowing down the issue cause, which cannot be easily reproduced.
The second one is a current limitation that our lights in reflection are hard.
The third one should be related to the glass model, which is not related their directions. Please make sure your glass is double-sided(you should add a thickness for it in modeling software)

Best regards,

Thank you.

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