Textures from sketchup do not import (only color materials)

I downloaded the program a couple of days ago. The first import was a complex building, but every material was imported perfectly. All of a sudden, the next time I was using the program and importing the same or other files, only the color materials were succesfully imported, the other textures went white (as if it is a clay model, but it is not).

Even the most simple box with the same texture around and within (see image) imported as white, instead of a texture while the 2d person standing next to it, painted with colors, had the right color/textures.

Also, when I try to paint surfaces by hand in the program, the texture does not show when I import something in normal map, so the problem is not only with the direct model import.

It almost seems like I messed something up?


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Hi there,

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. I may need to ask few more questions regarding the issue that you are experiencing.

  • Were this file stored using a Cloud Storage (Google Drive, Onedrive, etc.)? And was opened using such software? We do not recommend opening it through the software but instead, you may want to download them locally first.

  • Despite the material being white in D5 Render, are they separated from each other? Or when you select a D5 Material and apply it to the surface does it apply to all of the model?

  • Does this happen to all the model’s material? Or perhaps some of them are just missing? You can check if the material names were changed in the modeling software.