Roughness issue with path tracer

good morning,
as you can see on my captures, I lose all the subtle roughness of my old leather when I do a path tracer rendering…
thanks for your help

normal render

with path tracer

Hi there @julienfischel

Path tracing provides a more accurate representation of how light interacts with surfaces, which can lead to a perceived loss of roughness. However, this is often a more realistic depiction of the material’s behavior under natural lighting conditions.

If you wish to have the same roughness, I suggest:

  • Increase the roughness values in your material settings
  • Use normal maps and bump maps to give the illusion of roughness.

After modifying the parameters, you can proceed to “Accumulate” to check and preview the final results before rendering.

it’s the same with this floor, I can’t get anywhere, the roughness effect never appears in path tracer mode
normal render

Path tracer render