I’m doing some testing with the new PT in 2.10 and I just wanted to flag an issue I’m having where it seems to be smoothing textured surfaces. See attached two screengrabs of the timber texture on the table. The results are very different, it’s almost like it’s denoised the texture for real time, and then also for render. When I turn on PT, the viewport smooths out the texture, which I thought was just for speed of real time. I have tested a couple of different settings with the display setting for PT, but this smoothing of the texture happens on all.
Any suggestions or recommendations? It seems like the textures is changing or maybe the PT version is actually more accurate? I’ve attached some screen grabs from the real-time view in D5 to show how that looks before rendering.
Thanks for the confirmation. In the recent 2.10 Update, we have addressed a reflection denoiser issue which was prevalent in the previous 2.9 Version. May I know if all of these PBR Maps are complete with this material? If it is, I suggest modifying the Roughness Parameter to make the texture more prominent if you find the current result ‘too smooth’
Hi there,
I am now away until 27.02.25 on holidays but on my return I will test things out. I have loaded in all the maps, normal, roughness, albedo (which are the ones provided with the MOTW textures). As I say in the non PT the texture seem to work just fine. Maybe you can download and test a texture from them. I have just added a black base to make it look like a stained timber.
We are currently identifying if what you have experienced is “under expectation” or a bug, when you return can you send us a the Material that you have used? Nevertheless, we are aware of these changes that are caused by Path Tracing and are working to optimize this in subsequent releases. Thank you!
Keep me updated as I think it looks like a bug, but I’m yer to test it on more materials, maybe run some test, as seems I’m not the only user, hopefully a simple fix