Render Queue not respecting obj visibility


I have different objects on and off for each saved scene. When I put those scenes through the render queueu, the object visilibity is not respected in the reslting images. Is this a known issue?

Thank you!

Nvidia GeoForce RTX3060
Driver 566.14
D5 Version:

Hi there,

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Can you provide us with a detailed context and information regarding the problem you are experiencing (Screenshot Images and Video-recordings too)? Such as:

  • Which 3D Modeling Software are you currently using?
  • Are you using D5 Livesync, Sync, or direct import? Which version (Please send us a screenshot of it)
  • Where was this object’s visibility modified? Is it in D5 or the 3D Model Software?
  • You can also share with us a detailed step you have done for us to recreate the issue on our end.

Thank you.

My appologies. I was assuming that adding an entry to the render queue added the scene. Instead it appears it is not the scene but simply what is shown in the viewport. I was upating the scene thinking it would update what was rendered in the queue.

So, no bug here. Thanks for the quick response, though!

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