Reinstalled windows on another hard drive


I just reinstalled windows on a new M.2 Hard drive but the same p.c .
Installed D5 and tried to log in with my account but then an error appeared saying this account is bound to another device. I just changed the hard drive of the windows nothing more.

Hi, the same thing happened to another user, thank goodness you’re not a D5 PRO, I don’t know how to help you I hope they have an answer to this problem even if you change a more powerful PC with a faster operating system and you want to work with D5, for me this is a serious problem. The only alternative is to try to do it all over again, being non-PRO you have to make a new account and new installation. See if it works.

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Hello friend, sorry for your situation. We have specified this on the official website, changing or adding HDD will also result in not being able to log in, and this is for the security of the user’s personal information. You can apply for a new educational license after the current one has expired. Thank you for your understanding.

Hello, ugs.162380. To be fair about what happened to you, I must inform you that I asked Ruann-Z a specific question, and he assured me that if you are a PRO, and I can tell you it’s worth it, it doesn’t happen, you could have change the most powerful PC. Only if you have Edu license this happens, I think this happens for a reason.
Greetings Riccardo

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Hello Ryann,

Can I apply for another educational license now before my previous license expires in April? or is it literally as you said that it needs to expire first ?


You would need to wait for it to expire and then apply again, thank you for your understanding!