Problem with texture coordinates

D5 Render Version:
Graphics Card: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI
Driver Version: 535.98
I`m having a problem using a map texture.
In the SKP model is on the right place but when I import the model to D5, the texture comes out of place… Any ideas why this happens?.. Never happened before…
Thanks in advance!

Hi mate, It doesn’t seem like the model is misaligned, but the texture is. Did you use the converter to sync it? You can also open the “Triplanar” and check the result.


Besides, you can try to use the 2.5 bata which improves related functions. If you are interested in testing that, please contact us in Discord.

Hi, Bruce.
Thanks for the reply!
I´ll try your indications and later I will give you feeback…

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