Panorama 8k-video driver crashed and was reset when i render a panorama 8k

I am having trouble rendering 8k panoramas.
It renders 2k videos and 4k panoramas too, but with 8k panoramas the message “Video driver crashed and was reset !. Make sure your drivers are up to date. Exiting …” appears.

Ryzen 3900x
64gb ram
Rtx 2080
Nvidia studio drivers 442.92

I would need to know how it can be solved.
Thank you very much.

This is the panorama in 4k that the software cannot render in 8k.

Hi Leoc
We will optimize this function in the next version! For now, there are two ways maybe you can try.
Method 1: Run D5 as an administrator

Method 2: Set a virtual memory in the C disk, the steps are as follows: (recommended to set the initial size of 1024MB)