Ortho view broken after update to

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Vesrion 2.9

same file, same scene in (Geo sky missing, blurry textures)

i tried to make a new scene but the problems are still there

Hi @ek1

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Can you please send us the following:

You may send it to support@d5techs.com and have it titled “Clov-Forum Ortho View Broken After 2.10 Update”. Thank you

Blockquote * Log File - How to use Support Tool? | User Manual

How? Double clicking on SupportTool.exe only opens another support tool window with the “Collect Logs”-button.
There is no button for “Check All and Zip At Once” and therefore obviously no “zziplog” file i can send

Hi @ek1

After clicking “Collect Log” it will load and after the process has been completed you will be redirected to the log file (zip) file location. Thanks

Nope! The support tool windows stays open after collecting and also displaying the collected data but even after 15 minutes waiting nothing is happening. I am neither redirected to the file nor can I find a “zziplog” file in the D5 installation or config folder.

I testet it on another computer with version 2.90. there it worked

Hi @ek1

We’ve identified the issue and have successfully replicated it on our end. You no longer need to send us your log or scene files.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work on a solution.


Which one? The ortho view problem or the not working support tool? :wink:

Hi @ek1

I apologize. I was talking about the orthographic view since it was successfully replicated on our end. As for the Support Tool that seems to be malfunctioning on your end, if the collection has failed, it may be caused by your internet connection. Since you were using the 0562 version of 2.10 and currently there’s a newer build, have you tried generating it again?

Otherwise, try checking this file path. It’s not entirely the same, but when you open the D5 Config folder, it should have the same format. This was also generated using

i tried it now in version 0566. in the old file updated from 2.9 it still doesn’t work.
opening a new file in 0566 it works.

support tool still doesn’t work. support tool windows stays open, nothing happening, no zip-file in any folder

edit: support tootl window stays open, but now i got a zip-file in the config subfolder

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Hi @ek1

Thanks for your update. may I ask how you were able to resolve the Support Tool problem on your end? As for the orthographic problem, this issue will be fixed in the subsequent release. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

nothing special, just tried it again the other day (starting the “support tool.exe”) and opended the config subfolder in windows explorer to check if there does a zip file appear. and there it is. did nothing different to last time.

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