hola no puedo iniciar sesion en mi cuenta estudiantil me aparece un mensaje que inicie en un dispositivo vinculado pero yo no he cambiado de equipo escribí a soporte pero no he obtenido respuesta por favor alguien me podria ayudar?
Hi there,
I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Did you perhaps change a certain part of your PC? Perhaps you added an HDD? Otherwise, please let me know when this issue has occurred (aftera software update? Or system reformat?). Thank you.
no he cambiado ninguna parte fisica lo unico q actualize fueron los drivers de audio porq tenia inconvenientes con la aplicacion de zoon xfavor como puedo solucionar eso!
Hi there,
I recommend proceeding to unbind your Educational License. Please be aware that doing so will downgrade your account to a Community License, but you will have the opportunity to reapply for the Educational License. If you wish to proceed, please let me know.
si por favor proceda a desvincular mi licencia educativa d5 render gracias
Hi there,
Your educational email has been successfully unbound, you may reapply again with the updated and latest documents to prove that you are still enrolled in the institution. Thank you.