Multimedia Emmisive Lighting Error

The reflections appear to be good, but the light it emits are wrong, can someone please help fix this? The video is a fading green to red, to show that the rgb strip changes colors, but the light that emits just stays in green…

No matter what video i change to, the light that emits its not the same as the one in the video. Its the only light source i have.

Sorry for your issue. What’s your D5 version? Did it occur in all scene-files or just this specific scene-file? Is there a problem with both the preview and the output?

If the problem only occurred in this scene file, can you send the scene file (The entire folder where the .drs file is located) to us? you can DM me directly or send the scene file (The entire folder where the .drs file is located) to with the briefly describe. We will check it. Also please send your video to us. Any update will be appreciated.