Miss my old models and material in 2.7

Hello, I’ve just installed D5 2.7 and encountered issues with my materials and 3D models because they no longer appear in the local library. Upon checking the folders, I noticed that my old files have an extension “filename.tmi”. However, when I create a new material and save it in my local folder in D5 2.7, it’s saved with a different extension, namely “filename.d5a”. Since we’ve created numerous objects and materials with previous versions of D5, I’d like to understand how to view them with the new version. Could you please assist? Thank you in advance.
**D5 Render Version:2.7
Graphics Card:
Driver Version:
Issue Description:
Screenshots/Videos Description:
Steps to Reproduce (optional):

Have you ever changed your WorkSpace location? Is it saved in the network path or locally? Those files should be called ***.d5a.