Materials Get Distorted When Getting Rotated

D5 Render Version:
Graphics Card: RTX 3060
Driver Version: 55.61
Hey there
So I have this problem when I rotate my materials the material gets distorted and the material becomes out of proportion.

Here is the material before the rotation as you can see the material is square.

Here is the material after rotation. it turned into a rhombus shape.
This happens with every material not only this one.
The 3d modeling was done by Rhino. I hope there is a solution because i have a deadline in 2 days.

Hi there, apologies for the inconvenience. Kindly check the option “keep texture shape”. This would ensure that the texture shape of your material map remains unchanged after rotating or non-proportional scaling. Thanks

thanks for your answer
i tried to check the option but the problem is still going

but i tried to import this cube from sketchup and the material did not get distorted as you can see here

but the problem is still there in the model that is done by rhino.
so is there a solution for this?

Hi there, I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you send us your rhino file so we can assess it and give you the best probable solution? You can send it to and have it titled “Clov-Forum Rhino Materials Gets Distorted”

Thank you.

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