Live sync problem

**D5 Render Version:**2.7.1
**Graphics Card:**RTX 4070 Ti Super
Driver Version: 555.99
Issue Description:
Since i changed my graphic card (i had RTX 3060 and D5 was working good) D5 is not working with the live sync plug in from 3ds max 2021
Screenshots/Videos Description:

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i have faced this issue with max 2020, instead live sync use normal sync, works flawless.
there is chances of live sync stop after some time, so in that case u wont able to sync ur scene. and stuck middle of project.

Yes i use normal sync now it works normally, but it was better with live sync so i’m waiting for a good solution.
Thank you

I tried 3ds max 2019 and there is no probleme with live sync with it.

Hi! Sorry for this issue. Could you tell me which version of plugin you are using now? It is recommended that you reinstall the plugin and then try again to see if it can sync properly.

I m using the latest version, and i install and reinstall it many times to see if it will work but nothing.