Light artifacts on foliage

D5 Render Version: and (beta)
Graphics Card: RTX 4070
Driver Version: 551.61 and older

The problem is the night scene. Why there are so many light artifacts, mainly on foliage in the render? Few also on building walls.
In the lamp is used “Point light”. Artifact issues occur when the light (doesn’t matter if point light or spot light) is situated inside the lamp (doesn’t matter which type of glass). Outside of glass, it is better.
On the ground is used grass material, but you can see artifacts also on the trees.
I also tried simple scene with grass on the ground and lamps or separate spot/point lights “in the air”. All had the same result = artifacts with lamp (light through glass).
Also, it doesn’t matter if the rain is on or off.
What is the problem? Big scenes with this “glittering” foliage are terrible.

The video example is cropped from 720p.

Hello, please check if your model is too far from the origin. This may cause flickering.
Also, when the model is detailed and there are cases where the object is smaller than one pixel point, it may also flicker. In this case, you can try to increase the resolution of the rendering.

My original scene is quite large, but it isn’t the main problem.
I tried a simple scene with only 3 lights. Small plane with grass material. It is unusable.

Skylight time in render 21:26 (1080p)

Hello! Would you mind sending this test scene to us and then we can check it for you. You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

link for the test project

The same scene in the newer version 2.7 (in video). The light from the lamp leaves a luminous glow as it moves.
In other scenes, light sources often leave similar glows of light in motion (in new version 2.7)

Thanks for your report and file, we will check it.

Some other videos from version 2.7. Used standard lamps from the library. It seems, that a “light emitted veil” occurs mainly on grass/foliage material. How can I solve this issue? If I don’t solve this problem, I have to go back to version 2.6 unfortunately. Thanks.

Do you have any suggestion how to solve these problems?
Problem 1 in 2.6: random flickering of lights on foliage
Problem 2 in 2.7: a veil of emitted light