Large Model and Screen Dimming Problem

Hello, when I refresh my model file with a larger and more detailed model, the screen goes dark. I work on my model file with the layer system. When I close the layer of the large model, the screen comes back. However, when I activate the layer, the screen turns black again. In fact, I can still select and move things in the file, and there is no crashing problem. But I see a black screen.

Hi, when you select Binalar, go to the tab on your right where there is the dimensions of this Binalar, perhaps it is very large, see if the object is ok, check this thing.
Good work

There is a problem when I add the buildings that appear in the screenshot. There are buildings that are not in the frame but are in the continuation of the model (which I added before). When I close the layer of these models, I can see the new buildings. But when I activate the entire model layer, the screen goes dark. I cannot do this because I want to get a render where all the buildings are visible.

Surely the building that obscures your camera is in front of the camera lens, so, do you move the camera of the scene or do you move the building, if this is not the problem, then check the size of the building.
And when you place the camera in a room, and maybe it is positioned inside the wall, you see everything black, just move it forward a little and you see the room.

Thank you for your interest. The problem is not that the camera remains in the new model. Or it is not because of the size of the model file that it covers the screen and makes it black. It’s a software problem that I think is software related. The model I renewed appears perfectly on the screen. (The buildings seen in the screenshot in my first message). The screen goes dark only when the entire model layer is open. In other words, the screen goes on while all model file layers in the file are open. Maybe I should make a video and explain?

Sorry, I misunderstood the problem, one of the team will surely answer you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi there!, Sorry that this is happening to you and i am here to help!.

Does this happen only to this single project? or does this happen to other projects you are working on?

You may also monitor your VRAM and RAM usage and optimize your usage.

Would it also be possible for you to send me the Project File/Scene File also your log file via email to and add @aryan so that i could pull it up and test the scene on my end.


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