Incorrect UV in Sketchup Latest Converter Versions

Hi guys

I am using Sketchup 2021-D5 Render 2.5.2 workflow. Sketchup creates problems with texture mapping (UV) in the latest converter versions. You will understand what I want to say in the images I sent you. In previous versions of the converter the “triplanar” feature worked correctly, but the latest versions do not provide this.

‘‘D5 Converter test 0.6.7’’ I have been using only this version for months because it works nice and correctly in texture mapping (UV).

In new versions, the regions I mark in Sketchup modeling are group objects. Group objects are perceived by the transducer as separate parts, making the texture mapping (UV) look cluttered and inaccurate. If I break these groups and group them into a single unified layer, the problem is solved. But this will be irreversible and will disrupt the model infrastructure. Even if I activate the ‘‘Triplanar’’ feature, the result is unsuccessful.

I am also attaching the download tool of the old version of the converter that I used, so you can test it and see it better.

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Thanks for the feedback, we will fix this issue as soon as possible.

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yes please as soon as possible

At the same time, another bug is that when the triplanar feature is active, the texture mapping (UV) on the vertical axis does not match each other in line. In D5 Render 2.3.4, I did not have this problem with the old sketchup converter (test.0.6.7). When I activated the Triplanar feature, all texture mapping and rotations on the vertical axis complemented each other. But I no longer see this correct UV mapping in the new version.

I highlighted it in green and red so that you can see the inconsistency in the turns in the wood texture. As I said, there was no such problem in your old versions.

@Bruce.W Did you see the last problem I posted? This also needs to be fixed