Hello everybody, is it possible to import animated people in D5? If yes, what is format required. Moreover, I think that if we want to stay in the game in quality animation with D5 we are forced to propose realistic animated people. I saw a lot of work recently made with other software and we have to be competitive. Thanks for your help.
Hi there @NikBuilt
We support alembic animated file (.abc) for importing animated characters in D5 Render.
we need animated characters like anima, it makes the animation more real and it’s wanted in the market now
If these characters are in a file format that we support (.abc) it should be able to be imported in D5 Render. For now, we only support .abc files for animated characters. Thank you.
Thank you all for your replies. I also found that discussion linked here.
but the method looks tedious, don’t you think?