I'm curious about the limits of D5render object memory.

D5 Render Version:
**Graphics Card:rtx3090
Driver Version:
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저는 한국의 ARCG라는 업체대표입니다.
주로 이런 거대한 작업을 많이 합니다.
너무 오브젝트가 많다보니 최대한 넘쳐나지 않게 노력을 합니다.
가끔 용량이 넘쳐나서 안껴지거나 자동은 프로그램이 닫히는 경우가 있습니다. 그럴때 마다 참 난감합니다.
질문1. D5renders는 GPU의 용량에 따라 오브젝트의 수가 정해져있나요?
질문 2. 만일 4090은 24GB인데 쿼드로 32GB를 사용하면 더 많은 오브젝트를 삽입할수 있는지 궁급합니다.

매우 중요한 질문이기 때문에 성실히 답변부탁드립니다.

I am the CEO of a company called ARCG in Korea.
I mainly do this kind of huge work.
Since there are so many objects, I try my best to not overflow.
Sometimes, the capacity overflows and it doesn’t fit or the program closes automatically. It’s really difficult every time.

Question 1. Is the number of objects in D5renders determined by the capacity of the GPU?

Question 2. If the 4090 is 24GB and I use Quadro 32GB, I wonder if I can insert more objects.

Since this is a very important question, please answer it sincerely.

Hi @heesunghi1 ,

I apologize for the crash issue you’re experiencing.

If the crashes occur primarily in projects with many assets (objects), it may be related to GPU usage.

To monitor GPU performance while running large scenes, it’s advisable to use GPU-Z Graphics Card GPU Information Utility, as Windows’ built-in GPU usage data can be inaccurate. Specifically, check the sensor for memory usage to help manage memory more effectively. Kindly share a screenshot of this result with us.

Secondly, your current GPU would be able to handle such projects however we strongly recommend organizing and optimizing your scene to improve GPU performance. For tips on how to optimize GPU usage, please visit. How to view and optimize graphics card usage? | User Manual

Thank you

Thank you. So, if I use 32gb instead of 24gb, will I be able to place more objects (models)?