I have a problem when i finsh rendering then its close the project ,i need help

Hi, @sanad.alwerfally94 please follow the instruction on the pop-up and it should not appear any more.

i followed the steps ,but when i get render ,D5 shuts down permanently.

Hello, is the file very large? Please show us your hardware specs, also, please check the video driver version.

Also, do you run overclock settings for your CPU or GPU?

I have 30g available on my hardware ,and I did the last version on my video driver ,BTW the file is not large.

Hello, what type of CPU and GPU do you use? If you render our demo scene, or an empty scene, will it shut down too?

CPU is AMD R7 ,and GPU RTX 2070 ,and im rendering a final project.

Hello, if you render a photo or video in our demo scene Living room, or an empty scene, will it shut down D5 Render?

Also, how many RAM do you have? Please use GPU-Z to monitor the usage of GPU, CPU and RAM, is there one of them out of usage?
If the problem remains, please turn off this setting on your Windows system.

Or we may need to collect logs to check the issue cause, sorry for the inconvenience!
Please finish the above steps and let us know whether you rendered a photo or video.


ram 32G ,and its work , thanks alot.

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Hi sanad, to confirm, turning off that option worked?

yeah its work.