D5 Render Version: D5 2.9.1 (Latest)
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce
Driver Version:
Issue Description: To use an image as a background, I applied it to a “Basic Model/Plane” and set it as the material’s Base Color Map. However, the original image appears slightly desaturated and loses some of its vibrant colors. I used several different rendering settings with high exposure or no exposure and some in between. But the results doesn’t change.
Screenshots/Videos Description:
Steps to Reproduce (optional):
Hi @tgoorany
I apologize for the inconvenience. To achieve more accurate lighting, I recommend using an HDRI. Please use the HDRI version of the image.
Could you share the scene file with us at support@d5techs.com? Be sure to include the tag “Anthony_Forum” along with a detailed description of the issue, so we can test it in our environment.
Sky Light | User Manual
Thank you
Hi, I understand the problem, but you have to deal with it differently, if you have an image of this landscape, you have to make sure you erase the sky and make it transparent. You have to use Adobe Photoshop, capture the sky, delete it, and make the white transparent, and save it in PNG format, when you load it on the panel you inserted it must have the Alpha transparency property, so the side above the mountain becomes transparent by passing the clouds and the sun of the D5 program
I hope I helped you.
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