Ghost shadow trace issues when rendering a video

D5 Render Version: version 2.4
Graphics Card: nvidia geforce rtx 3060 laptop gpu

The issue is the following: i’ve been trying to render an office scene where a light fixture drops from the celing and once it reaches the correct position the light turns on. but once the video is rendered there is a trace of a shadow from the light fixture when it is coming down. I am attaching the video so you can see what i mean. Plus the light is not turned on uniformly.

video: d5 render shadow issue - YouTube

Hi, if I understand correctly, “shadow from the light fixture” is refer to this?

Hello, no. i mean the shadow that is above the lamp. It remains for longer than it should when the light fixture is coming down. *But i managed to find a solution: make the camera move… so i zoomed in while the light is coming down and that made the shadow disappear.

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