Free download D5 Models for Architecture Designer

Hello everyone!! Want to share this models.
Hopefully useful for anyone who needs.



Ill assume used commercially, royalty free.

It is Free, so you can use


Ok. I tried the Christmas tree one but after download it was requesting a password. All the others worked fine. Did you have any issues with the Christmas tree with gifts?

Pass is:


Great!! Thank you.

And for clarity to my first question…i didnt realize D5 had models for sale…so at first i thought those were ones you created. The models D has are great…will be buying many of them.

Ok! Thanks for supporting us

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Good job! Thank you.

Hello, the models are really nice, but they are not from D5 team, not from our official side… :sweat_smile:Just want to make it clear sir.

I am currently using all the free models. And buying several volumes as well. I am very impressed with the cost and quality.

Can you please add a way that I am informed when you add new items/volumes?

You can follow the new Volumes here:
Or you can press the Follow button to follow us
Thank you very much!



A few request off the top of my head.

Outdoor settings:::Furniture. Tables with umbrella set at Different angles. Mailbox. Flagpole. Flower groupings with rocks. Etc.

Place settings. Different types. Glasses. Silverware. Doily. Placemat. No liquid in glasses.

Dining table chairs. I find a few I could use under the other categories. But more types please.

Rugs. Kitchen. Family room. Bathrooms. Beneath front door. Different types.

Anything associated with a pool.

Yes, thank you. We will try to complete your proposal in the near future.

Follow us on Gumroad for more updates!

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Hello. I can’t say enough good about all the models you are making. I am up to 48 volumes with intent to eventually buy all and stay current. Anyway, the one I am puzzled by is the quixel bridge. I don’t mind the price ….I just don’t know how I would incorporate it into my scenery. I didn’t know if you or Mr Tran wouldn’t mind sharing one of the models with me and then I can play with it. :facepunch::v:t3:


We have updated more models here:

are those the same models as the models included in pro library of D5 ?

Hello, no, their assets are good but they do not belong to D5 Assets Library or D5 Render Official. :sweat_smile:

You can watch here for reference: CGsorealCom Convert Quixel Megascan to D5 Render Asset Library Tutorial(中文) - YouTube

Thank you, mate! Are you from I like your assets and scenes, videos very much!

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Thank you,
I’m not the owner of this channel, I just introduced it to everyone

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