I’m using Rhino + D5, and overall, the workflow has been smooth even though my file has become quite heavy. I’m nearing the completion of my project, but I’ve encountered an issue with the FOV in my saved scenes.
For some reason, when I adjust the FOV in one scene, it unexpectedly changes in others. For example, if I set Scene 1 to 46 degrees and then adjust the FOV in Scene 2 when I switch back to Scene 1, the FOV jumps to 58.6 degrees, and Scene 3 also gets altered. Strangely, everything resets to the correct values once I restart the file, which makes the issue even more confusing.
Has anyone else experienced this, or is there a fix for it?
Hi there,
I apologize for the inconvenience. Just to be sure, are you talking about the FOV Settings which can be modified in this panel? If so, I tried to replicate the issue, and was not evident on my end: FOV Test - Video
- Does this problem persist even with other files? Can you try to open a Demo Scene File and see if the issue persists?
- If it’s possible can you send us the D5 Render File of your project where the issue was evident? You may send it to support@d5techs.com and have it titled "Clov- Forum FOV Issue"
Hi, this just started happening to me! I’ve never encountered this problem before buy my file is very heavy… Did you find a solution?
Hi @samantha
Does this happen to all of your files? I tried it on my end and it seems that the issue was not evident. I’ll provide a video recording and please let me know the exact steps to replicate this issue.
Video Recording - FOV Change Test
Additionally, which D5 Render Version are you currently using?