Hola, vengo a pedir ayuda con un problema que tengo con respecto a la apertura de un archivo en el que es estuve trabajando hasta ayer. El mismo se queda en la pantalla de carga (52%), ya sea que lo abra directamente desde el modelo de SketchUp con Sync o abriendo el archivo por si solo.
Probe abrir algunas versiones anteriores, y las abre sin problema. Pero no me estaria sirviendo porque no me guardo ningun archivo cercano a lo ultimo que hice, avance mucho mas y no quiero perder lo que tiene este ultimo.
Hello @julian.catorano
Were there many additions in the latest version? For example terrain grass, scatter?
Please show us your dedicated GPU memory when trying to open the archive. If it exceeds 80-90%, it may cause the file to fail to open or be abnormal.
If the problem persists, consider sending this archive to the official staff and we’ll try to open it in our environment. Thank you.
Al parecer es ese el problema, hay alguna forma de recuperar este archivo?
Hi there. You can send your files to us, and we can delete the scatter assets on our end and resend them to you. Please send them to support@d5techs.com and have them titled “Clov-Forum Fallo al cargar archive.”
Generally, we suggest optimizing your model, such as hiding assets that are not necessarily seen in a certain Scene. And this step would be very effective and important considering that there is a known issue regarding scatter assets and vegetation generating a larger GPU Usage compared to its lower version, and we are actively fixing it. Thank you.