Facing corruption issue after 2.9 upgrade. If we open file then file is gone corrupt and again if we are opening file so file is not able to open, immediate corruption is there. can i get immediate solution for this?
D5 Render Version: 2.9
Graphics Card: 4070TI Super
Driver Version: Latest
Issue Description: Corruption
Screenshots/Videos Description:
Steps to Reproduce (optional):
Hi there; I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Just to be sure, do you mean file corruption and not crashing?
Were there any error prompts that appeared? Usually, if this is the error prompt shown, the .drs file was moved outside the folder or the folder was renamed. I suggest reverting to its original location or file name.
Was this the exact file (no changes made) you could open in the 2.8 Version?
Thank you.